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Dear New Media Directors on Capitol Hill,

The next time you’re looking to churn out one of the those really clever web videos, you know, the ones with the sharp voice-overs, think about hiring this guy. Trust us, you’ll be saving the taxpayers money and providing this well-deserving guy some money.

And if you don’t hire him, seriously consider the Street Sense guy that works around Capitol Hill.

We’ve heard him yell out, “Street Sense, Get your Street Sense,” from his spot near Eastern Market Metro for years.

He just needs one shot at a radio gig … we’re looking at you Mr. McFly!

Redneck Genius

h/t Pierce

UPDATE: @philcoffman This is awesome. The video of the homeless guy w/ the great radio voice has over 4mil views today! He’ll be on @todayshow tomorrow I think.