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We hope you enjoyed Thanksgiving break.

Chad Pergram: Lame Duck Session Takes Flight

Remember how easy school was the first week back after a long break?

Keach Hagey: Twitter Scooped WikiLeaks

As of this writing, the WikiLeaks website is up but has yet to post any of the cables. Sunday morning, its Twitter account reported that “we are currently under a mass distributed denial of service attack” but said the New York Times, The Guardian, Der Spiegel, El Pais and Le Monde would publish “many embassy cables tonight, even if Wikileaks goes down.”

Nisha Chittal: Iran Is Building Weapons With Help Of North Korea

Perhaps one of the most interesting, and alarming, pieces of information to come out of the cables is the news that North Korea is helping to arm Iran. Given the current unstable situations in North Korea and the Middle East, this news is sure to provoke a lot of cable news chatter and analysis in the coming days as Americans react and discuss whether, and how, America’s approach to North Korea and Iran should change now.

Dave Chappelle still has it.

The rent? What about Charlie Sheen? Too damn high.

David Obey: More Drinking!

After I leave Congress, I am most looking forward to …

OBEY: Playing more music and perhaps increasing my — my allotment of gin and tonics from time to time.