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Marc Ambinder: I Am a Blogger No Longer

I will not miss the naval-gazing, though I don’t think I will be able to entirely escape its allure, as I plan to continue to write short posts at National Journal on occasion and will Tweet to my heart’s content. (@marcambinder).  I still think that, despite the combined efforts of myself and dozens of others, “blogger” carries a stigma among high-level editors and the standard-setters of this business that needs to be erased. I’ve done my best over these past five years, but I confess a romantic attachment to print and magazines, which is one reason I clawed my way into the Atlantic and National Journal Magazine whenever possible. In my new role I will still do as much online writing as I’ve done, but I will do it differently, and I suspect my readers will consume it differently.  I’ve got a few large features in the hopper here on the 7th floor, and the new National Journal will share content with the Atlantic to such an extent that those who do want to find my output will have no trouble, even though a firewall will protect some of it. I’ll still interact with readers. My Atlantic e-mail redirects to my National Journal e-mail. (mambinder@nationaljournal.com).