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Rep. Charlie Rangel [D-Taxes] was just on the House floor speaking under a point of personal privilege.  [Note: That’s fancy talk for “say whatever the f*ck you want to.”]

Apparently Chuck went at it for several minutes, all the while stating his innocence.

If I can’t get my dignity back here, fire your best shot at getting rid of me by expulsion. [you go, boy]

Rangel concluded with this powerful statement:

“Thank you for your attention. Go home.”  [boom]

Word on the street is that this isn’t what Speaker Pelosi had in mind when she re-tweeted Congress back in session.

Reaction from the Twitterverse:

@KSpainNRCC RT @RussertXM_NBC One senior Dem aide to me re Rangel on the floor right now: “This is a trainwreck.”

@murphymike Rangel on House floor… Sounds exactly like Frank Pantageli in Godfather 2…

@markos Rangel, please resign.

@EmilyMillerDC MUST WATCH TV NOW — Charlie Rangel giving his defense on House floor. Already a political classic.

@pwire: Rangel: “If I was you I might want me to go away too.” – Thanks Cap’N’ Obvious

@andylevy How do you get back something you never had? #dignity #rangel