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While we think he’ll strike out at least 9 of the Top 10 tonight on Letterman, we wanted to create our own top 10 list.

As the newly crowned “King of DC Sports,” here are the top 10 list of things that Strasburg will “strike out” in DC.

10. McNabb’s mom’s Chunky soup is toast; Only Stras eats sirloin burger in this town.

9. No more tourist duck mobiles downtown.

8. Ovechkin who?

7. I know the fans will be with me through thick and thin. Hey teammates, come over to my locker and check out my guns. Aren’t they awesome?!

6. The panda cam is gone; Only Stras eats bamboo in this town.

5. Helen Thomas is out of the White House press room and Stras gets the front seat.

4. Who put bike lanes in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue? They’re outta here!

3. Why does the Metro call them “escalators?” They’re stairs.

2. Who has two thumbs and can throw a baseball 100+ mph? THIS GUY!

1. Cherry Blossoms? Forget it. From now on they’re called Stras-blossoms.