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The infamous “Demon Sheep” ad got us a bit intrigued about the races out there on the West Coast, and we happened to stumble upon a few other internet offerings that might be worth checking out…both focused on examining the candidates for Governor

Level The Playing Field 2010, a union funded organization run by Dem strategist Chris Lehane and supporting Jerry Brown, launched WikiMeg this week, which is billed as “bold new experiment in democracy.” The open source site allows individuals to post information about Whitman, including a “sightings” section We aren’t sure if this open source oppo site is the first of its kind, but it’s not a half-bad idea, and it seemed to get quite a bit of press exposure, which is always a good start.

And then we noticed a peculiar new @FamousDC Twitter follower named @FakeJerryBrown. Promoting itself as a “fake Jerry Brown with a real record of failure” the anonymous, fake first person perspective of @FakeJerryBrown incorporates humor into the daily tweets of Brown thoughts and stories, ranging from frustration over a flip flop to attacking his little known primary opponent to tweeting Andrew Breitbart about ACORN investigations.This morning’s offering included the well known viral video about Oakland’s problems with “whistle tips”…which apparently took place during Browns tenure as Mayor. While not gaining a mass following on twitter yet, we did happen to notice that a curious group of national reporters/producers like @PElliottAP and @hambypCNN, along with Brown’s own spokesperson @sterling4jb, seem to be following the fun.

Check out www.wikimeg.com and @fakejerrybrown and give us your thoughts.