Paul Singer crashed Roll Call’s site with a story about Congressional airplanes, Amy Wren is keeping folks abreast of her beach plans, Chris Cillizza and Dana Milbank pulled a Palin and quit, CBS made Jen Psaki FamousDC, Rahm Emanuel warned liberal groups to stop ads against Democrats, Erick Erickson got himself a driver, Jennifer Crider wants Rush Limbaugh’s hate speech to be condemned, Mark Tapscott doesn’t do things by coincidence, Twitter broke – people freaked out and everyone realized that they were entirely too addicted to social networks, Roll Call and CQ lived through the hard merge, Eric Odom is the mob, the Joe Pounder Whip-Up is no more, Mary Katherine Ham dropped a bomb, John Soloman is talking about a big expansion, Katie Osgood told everyone that Patrick Boylan joined DAG, Macon Phillips and the White House got all sorts of pissed at Matt Drudge, Jason Roe hates Notre Dame, Senator Menendez made John Pappas very happy (and then retired?), gale force duck, tell Matt Dornic happy birthday today, Last Call! is taking today off [sad] and tell Robert Traynham and Jen Mundy happy birthday on Sunday.