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Hundreds of press releases are shot around Capitol Hill everyday. You get them in your in-boxes, and then you delete them.  If you’ve ever took the time to actually read any of them, you’d notice they all use the same overused ever “buzz words."

David Meerman Scott recently conducted a little study regarding press releases and the PR jargon that’s used in them.  He plowed through over 700,000 releases, and came up with a top 10 list of most-used terms. We’re sure you’ll find some of them very familiar: innovate, focused on, partnered with and leveraged.

After reading Scott’s study, we came up with a list of our own:

The Top 10 Terms You’re Least Likely to See Paired Together in a Congressional Release

"Robert Byrd" and "coherent"

"John Boehner" and "Nicorette"
"smart" and "politicians"
"Longworth Cafeteria" and "Zagat rating"
"Gary Condit" and "wins election"
"Nancy Pelosi" and "natural skin care"
"Chuch Schumer" and "camera shy"
"Jim Bunning" and "welcome in GOP circles"
"Sheila Jackson Lee" and "contented staff"
"The CHP Officer who hands out j-walking tickets on 1st and C" and "happy with life."

h/t FishbowlDC