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Jason Roe sparred with Karl Rove, Spain headed to Cali to iron out wedding details, Joe Trippi hearts "The Fix", Not Larry Sabato is jacked up about his tweet debate, Leah Hunter is feeling "Kind," Stacie Paxton is moving on up, DAG hired two good-looking dudes, Nicole Wallace watched her dog get punched, Kal Penn switched "joints," Tea Party guru Odom said no to Steele, Erickson is headed to Memphis for BBQ [and Easter], Ane Marie is not a fan of NOM,  Rep. Patrick McHenry threw out a first pitch at a Crawdad’s game. [high and to the left], and Kos changed his Twitter handle. [shorter]

And finally: Up-and-coming DC blogger/tweeter Michael O’Brien with three gorgeous ladies at Recessions.  From what we heard, it sounds like his "shameless self-promotion" isn’t restricted to the Twitter Room.  Or is it the Champagne Room?