Golf clap for our friends at Holy Taco. [piss your pants funny]
Oh, You Have 70 Thousand Twitter Followers? Congratulations, Sh*tbag
This twitter dude has been completely transformed by the fact that a large number of people have subscribed to his twitter feed. And here, my friends, is the problem with Twitter: Everyone wants to believe that everyone else thinks they’re important, because everyone, at their core, is a narcissist. And how better to give yourself an inflated sense of importance, than to think that there are groups of people who are reading a 140 word post you’ve written that says, “Going to the store to look for cereal. Hope they have Chex!”
If someone is interested in that, well, holy f*&k, you must be god damned important/ awesome! But the fact is, nobody truly gives a shit about what you’re doing.
Read the whole thing here.
Any guesses as to who they’re talking about? Some folks have a few …