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FamousDC readers have been emailing about the media band, Suspicious Package, so we reached out to them for a Famous 5 interview. Luckily for all of us, they decided to play along.

Do you know anyone FamousDC should ask 5 questions? Let us know — tips@staging.famousdc.com

Toles - Suspicious Package

1) If Suspicious Package was given the opportunity to take Barack Obama to dinner, where would you go and why?

Since AV Ristorante is, alas, no more, we’d love to have PEOTUS/POTUS drop by our practice space in our drummer’s basement for a drink — we usually raid the Toles’ fridge while we’re there — or show us his favorite Chicago music venue.

2) If  Suspicious Package could open for anyone, who would it be and why?

The Beatles when they still had Pete Best. But we’d make sure our drummer didn’t get too cozy with the other three.

3) Is your motto really, “We’re not bad … after you’ve had a few martinis?” And how many is a few?

Dorothy Parker had a memorable way of saying how many was a few for her.

4) What is the best DC blog for band promotion? Choose carefully.

FamousDC, The Washington Note, FishbowlDC, dc sounds and any other number of others who will give us a fair shake.

5) Explain your band’s name in 9 words or less.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar

*BONUS: Insert your Suspicious Package plug here:

Come see Suspicious Package in a charity throwdown battle of DC media bands, Journopalooza at the National Press Club on Friday January 9 2009.  Fun will be had!

Still can’t get enough Suspicious Package? Go see them tonight!

Join us for Holiday Cheer – Monday December 8, 2008
DC9 BAR in the U Street Corridor
1940 9th St NW (9th and U)
Washington  DC

7:30 p.m. Happy Hour Specials
8:30 – 9:30 p.m.  Show

The contents of Suspicious Package are:
Tim Burger * Bryan Greene * Josh Meyer* Christina Sevilla* Tom Toles