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James Carville tried to round up a whole heard of elephants, Ryan Loskarn celebrated at Johnny’s, Matt Mackowiak launched his TV career, David Pryor Jr. is now a PC, WH Easter Egg Roll tickets already pulling close to 1K on eBay, Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz gained a lot of fans and supporters,  everyone wonders who Glenn Thrush considers as a staffer "heavily involved in budget strategy," Robert Gibbs addressed Obama’s teleprompter, Terrell Owens was in DC for the Sixth Annual National Alzheimer’s Gala (you read that correctly), Eric Cantor went to the Circus, Bush’s Easter Egg Roll tickets only went for $3 on eBay, Macon Phillips convinced the big boss to play along on Fireside Chat 2.0, Marc Ambinder thinks legalizing pot can slay the deficit, Johnny DeStefano turned 30, Chris Isham and Jennifer Crider networked at 14K, Christian Slater was making friends on the hill, and Matt Haller is partying at the Donovan House tonight.