Facebook status abuse #1:
Kelly is buying a burberry purse! I REALLY need to save my money for my ticket and reinstating my license… But I’d rather have the purse than my license. 🙂
Kelly, reread your Facebook update and then email us later if you think it made a damn bit of sense.
Facebook status abuse #2:
Chris is going to tan, get the follicles cut, then off to the Bowlerina.
Draw your own conclusions, folks.
Facebook status abuse #3:
Lauren Roche loves the endorphins running around her body right now… Feeling fantastic :o).
Those aren’t endorphins, Lauren.
Facebook status abuse #4:
Jim Santos is happy to get my hands on a video camera again :).
Your wife on the other hand, not so happy.
Facebook status abuse #5:
Brian is hoping the parking feud doesn’t escalate: it already involves two meth addicts, a crack slinger, the mexcan musician (ha), and whoever the f*ck is on the roof.
Brian, this goes without saying, but you’re a huge douche bag. Put down the remote control and get a job.
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