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Yesterday we unveiled our latest feature, the Facebook Accountability Venture [FAV].  We’re happy to report that it was met with great enthusiasm and we appreciate all of the anonymous tipsters that participated by sending in status updates.  Like the one below:

Tim wants to know why he’s always the last to know?

Tim, it probably depends on what the news is.  If you’re the last one to know about a party, it’s because you’re a) really damn creepy b) a handsy drunk, c) socially inept or d) all of the above.  If you’re the last to know about work-performance bonuses, it’s because you’re not that good at your job.  If you’re the last to know about plans to build a new playground in your neighborhood, it might because you’re a registered sex offender. Unfortunately it’s just too hard to tell with such limited information.

Remember readers, this is public awareness project that we encourage you to participate in any time a Facebook “friend” of yours posts a ridiculous status update.  It’s easy, just fill out the box below.

[contact-form 3 “Facebook Alerts”]