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If you’re running for U.S. Senate and interested in moving your numbers in the wrong direction, you might consider taking the “Slattery” approach to cutting your campaign ads.

In what might be the most bizarre campaign ad of our lifetime, long shot hopefully Jim Slattery took a very unusual method to creating his latest TV ad, entitled “Uncovered”  …

… he cast naked people!


This approach comes as little surprise to folks who are familiar with his genius ad tactics.  One of his other ads featured a giant politician peeing on a bunch of little people.   He also features a talking horse in another ad.

So, how are these clever ads featuring naked people being received?  Apparently not so well.

According to reports in Kansas, Slattery’s number are being stripped down even further.  And as the election nears, things are not looking so good for the man attempting to knock off current Sen. Pat Roberts.

But, no worries, there’s still plenty of time for him to cut more ads.  And we certainly hope he does.  Although Jim, please, no more naked children.