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Here at FamousDC, we not only get tips, story ideas and other inappropriate electronic messages, but sometimes we’re sent very colorful emails from readers who simply want to rant about something that has them all fired up. 

These rants are often times so inappropriately overboard – we wonder why we don’t share them. 

…Well, good news, the wondering is over – and we’ve decided to share.

Our latest user generated platform is called Rantworthy. You email us a rant- we’ll post it -as long as it makes some sort of sense – and doesn’t entirely suck.

It’s that simple.  What’s got you all pissed off today?  We want to know.  And if it’s real good, we might even feature it on the front page.   

And of course, as always, we’ll keep your identity secret.

Everyone wants their 15 minutes of fame, so here’s your chance.  Fire away at tips@staging.famousdc.com.

PS: Don’t miss another FDC post -sign up for our RSS feeds today.  And if you’ve got one of those really neat blackberry machines, sign up to have it delivered once daily to your PDA.  Trust us, it’s worth it. 

Stay Classy,

The FDC Editors