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Imagine this… You’re hustling back to work from a doctor’s appointment, you’ve got plenty on your mind, you’re doing your best to manange the DC traffic and all of a sudden, bam, you smash into the back of a SUV.

You’re day is ruined, right?

Well, not if you’re a local PR professional, and you’re Honda Accord struck the back of a fancy black SUV last week on K.St.

From the WaPost: Kate House was driving back to the office after a doctor’s appointment Wednesday afternoon when she slammed into the back of a black SUV that had slowed in downtown traffic on K Street. The 23-year-old was already in tears when the other driver walked over. “I was really upset,” she told us, though her Honda Accord was far more damaged than the SUV. “It was obviously my fault.” At the man’s request, she followed him to his destination at 12th and H so they could exchange info.


And there, as she opened her car door, another man reached out his hand to help her. “I looked up, and” — no lie! — “it was Ben Affleck.” One of House’s favorite actors! Who happened to be a passenger in the SUV she struck.


So, what was he like? “He’s even better looking in person,” said House, an account coordinator at the PR firm Dittus Communications, who suffered a mild concussion in the accident. “I had just seen ‘Gone Baby Gone,’ and I told him how much I loved that. He said, ‘Take care of yourself, and take care of that car. Don’t cry anymore, it’s all right.’ “

It’s refreshing to know that not all actors throw tantrums when things don’t go their way.  Good on you, Affleck.