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Tell Nat Sillin congratulations on his new gig with VISA, be sure to tell Susan Crabtree and Mindy Finn happy birthday this weekend, if you haven’t already tell Amos Snead happy birthday today, Michael Kaplan celebrated 5 years at the NRCC, @MattLira was a trending topic in San Francisco post Super Bowl, do not spam Patrick Bell, Neal Kirby is getting older, Major Garret dropped the mic, tell Ryan Howell that Wegmans doesn’t have an apostrophe and car jacks are not common household decor, listen to some music, Sue Hensley Robusto is doing big things at the Restaurant Association, see who’s behind Sidecar, this is our monthly shot-out to Chris Paulitz who used to pay more attention to us, myTaxi is moving in, Rebecca Gale gives some good advice, Emily Zanotti Skyles has promised to save the world, congrats to Jordan Haverly who is rocking it at the Financial Services Committee, will Famous DC be able to score a “Famous 5” interview with a drone?, why we love BuzzFeed, Frank Thorp loves Republican #hashtags, Daniel Wagner, Victor & Margaret Chadbourn are following us on Twitter and here’s where you can kick it this weekend.

Also, this week Jim McBride gets his very own paragraph. Any questions, Jim?